25-Minute Broccoli-Cheddar Soup with Chicken and Rice - Parade This Broccoli and Cheddar Cheese Soup packed with chicken and rice goes from prep to plate in 30 minutes and has enough 'inactive' cook time to clean your ...
Cheddar Chicken Soup Recipe - Kraft Recipes Treat your family to a hearty chicken soup with cheddar and mixed vegetables— all for only 10 minutes of effort on your part!
雞肉巧達濃湯 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
雞肉巧達濃湯 - 相關部落格
巧達湯???濃湯??? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 「巧達」就是英文 『chowder』 chowder 是美國獨特的料理,以貝類、魚類、雞肉等為主,加上培根、馬鈴薯、洋蔥等等一起燉煮的濃湯。加不加起司看個人喜好,濃湯灑上起司粉的確比較香。台灣的巧達湯大部分會因食才而稍做改變。