Plural Noun Forms Plurals and Apostrophes We use an apostrophe to create plural forms in two limited situations: for pluralized letters of the alphabet and when we are trying to create the plural form of a word that refers to the word itself. Here we also should italicize
collective noun - definition of collective noun by The Free Dictionary But fair play to this disputation of solicitors - if I may use their collective noun - they got through the business in hand within two hours.
Collective noun | Define Collective noun at Collective nouns are usually used with singular verbs: the family is on holiday; General Motors is mounting a big sales campaign. In British usage, however, plural verbs are sometimes employed in this context, esp when reference is being made to a collect
Fun With Words: Collective Nouns - RinkWorks One of the craziest oddities of the English language is that there are so many different collective nouns that all mean "group" but which are specific to what particular thing there is a group of: a herd of elephants, a crowd of people, a box of crayons,
collective noun - Grammar and Composition - Homepage of About Grammar and Compos A noun (such as team, committee, or family) that refers to a group of individuals. In American English, collective nouns usually take singular verb forms. Collective nouns can be replaced by both singular and plural pronouns, depending on their meaning. (
Collective Nouns - Unlimited TV, Broadband and Phone Packages: Now with FREE YouV Collective Nouns One of the many oddities of the English language is the multitude of different names given to collections or groups, be they beasts, birds, people or things. Many of these collective nouns are beautiful and evocative, even poetic. Birds ~
Grammar Girl : Collective Nouns :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™ Get Grammar Girl's take on collective nouns. Learn whether collective nouns take plural verbs or singular verbs. ... Today’s topic is collective nouns, nouns that describe a group, such as “family,” “orchestra,” and “board.” Guest-writer Bonnie Trenga wri
List of collective nouns in English - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of collective nouns in English. The large number of collective nouns in English is based on a tradition of terms of venery (words for groups of animals) which arose in the Late Middle Ages.
family 型 / police 型の集合名詞 - RAVCO 集合名詞の集合体を1つのまとまりと見る視点 普通名詞のように扱います。単数なら、 be動詞は is / was、一般 ...
Collective noun -- FAMILY: "is" or "are"? My Study Guide says that a collective noun is considered singular when it ... I believed that this "family" was referring to the group as a whole, so I chose "is."