包拯 - 维基百科 ... 》〕)。由孫儀作詞、楊秉忠作曲、蔣光超主唱的主題曲〈包青天 〉,隨之成為在台灣家喻戶曉的名曲。 包青天 (1993年电视剧) [编辑] 1993年2月23日,華視推出新 ...
閻羅王- 台灣Wiki 2013年9月26日 - 閻羅王,簡稱閻王,又叫「閻摩羅王」、「閻魔王」等,漢譯為「縛」、捆綁、捉拿有罪過之人。他能判決人和前之罪,加以賞罰。閻羅王的職責是統領陰間的 ...
Yama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Yama (Sanskrit: यम) or Yamarāja (यमराज) is the god of death, belonging to an early stratum of Vedic mythology. In Sanskrit, his name can be interpreted to mean "twin".[1] In the Zend-Avesta he is called "Yima".[2] According to the Vishnu Purana, Yama is t
Yama Tsukami - The Monster Hunter Wiki - Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter 2, Monster Hunter 3, and mor Yama Tsukami Discussion Yama Tsukami are amongst the oldest creatures known to hunters. ... Physiology Their hide is covered by Dragonmoss and Dragonwood. They have four tentacles and a pair of 'whiskers'. They also drop Dragonwood and Dragonmoss as ...
Yama (Hinduism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Hindu mythology, Yama (Sanskrit: यम) is the lord of death, first recorded in the Vedas. Yama belongs to an early stratum of Indo-Iranian theology. In Vedic tradition Yama was considered to have been the first mortal who died and espied the way to the c
Yama - The One Piece Wiki - Manga, Anime, Pirates, Marines, Treasure, Devil Fruits, and more Yama is a Birkan and the commander of God's Enforcers under Enel. Yama is an obese man with a... ... Robin defeats Yama. Yama later attacks Robin, who is in the process of studying the remains of Shandora. During the fight, Yama did not notice (or did not
Yama King - White Wolf Wiki - World of Darkness, Exalted, Trinity Universe and Sword & Sorcery The Yama Kings are the supreme wardens of Yomi Wan. They are largely fallen servants of the...
Yama Onna Kabe Onna - DramaWiki Details Title: 山おんな壁おんな Title (romaji): Yama Onna Kabe Onna Also known as: Mountain Woman, Wall Woman Format: Renzoku Genre: Comedy Episodes: 12 Viewership ratings: 12.1(Kanto) Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 2007-Jul-5 to 2007 ...
Yama — Wikipédia Yama est une divinité, seigneur de la mort dans l'hindouisme[1]. Il est décrit de façon populaire comme le juge des morts qui se tient à la porte de l'enfer, qui pèse leurs bonnes et leurs mauvaises actions, et qui décide de leur destin. À la mort, ses se
Yama (Todesgott) – Wikipedia Yama (Sanskrit यम Yama , in Indien auch: Yama-rāja (यमराज, dt. „König Yama“); in chinesischer Schreibung 閻羅王, Yanluowang, kurz: 閻, alternativ auch: 閻魔, 閻羅王, 閻摩羅, 閻老[1]; tibetisch: gshin rje) verkörpert den hinduistischen Gott des Todes und den „Dharmaraja