Gautama Buddha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama,[note 3] Shakyamuni,[note 4] or simply the Buddha, was a sage[3] on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.[web 2] He is believed to have lived and taught mostly in eastern India sometime between the sixth an
Buddhahood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Buddhas are frequently represented in the form of statues and paintings. Commonly seen designs include: the Seated Buddha the Reclining Buddha the Standing Buddha Hotei or Budai, the obese Laughing Buddha, usually seen in China (This figure is believed to
Buddha Shakyamuni - Rigpa Wiki Buddha Shakyamuni (Skt. Śākyamuni; Tib. སངས་ར ས་ཤ ཀ ་ཐ བ་པ་, Wyl. sangs rgyas shAkya thub pa) — the Indian prince Gautama Siddhartha, who reached enlightenment (and thus became a buddha) in the sixth century B.C., and who taught the spiritual path followe
Buddha - Wikipedia Un Buddha (in italiano anche Budda) - sanscrito e pāli Buddha (बुद्ध); cinese Fotuo (佛陀sempl., Fótuópinyin), abbreviato Fó (佛sempl.); giapponese Butsuda (仏陀?) abbreviato Butsu (仏?); coreano Bulta (불타) abbreviato Bul (불); vietnamita Phật-đà abbreviato Phật
Buddha – Wikipedia Buddha (Sanskrit, m., बुद्ध, buddha, wörtlich „Erwachter“, chinesisch fó 佛, vietnamesisch Phật 佛 oder bụt ) bezeichnet im Buddhismus einen Menschen, der Bodhi (wörtlich „Erwachen“) erfahren hat, und ist der Ehrenname des indischen Religionsstifters Siddha
Gautama Buddha - Wikipedia Siddhārtha[1] Gautama, meglio conosciuto come Gautama Buddha, il Buddha storico, Buddha Śākyamuni (शाक्यमुनि) o semplicemente Buddha[2] (sanscrito, devanāgarī सिद्धार्थ गौतम; pāli, Siddhattha Gotama; Lumbini, 566 a.C. – Kuśināgara, 486 a.C.), è stato un m
Buddha - Wikipedia Siddharta Gautama (trolig 563–483 f.Kr.) var en indisk prins som regnes som stifteren av buddhismen. Siddharta Gautama fikk ærestittelen Buddha, som på sanskrit betyr «den oppvåknede», fordi han ifølge buddhismen på et tidspunkt innså hvordan alt henger s
阿难- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 另外《大乘無量壽經解》曰:「又尊者隨佛入天宮龍宮,心無樂著,故名無染。」出家之後 ,釋迦牟尼佛曾經帶他到天宮去看過,欲界天,也到龍宮去看過,大龍菩薩的住處, ...
摩訶迦葉- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia 迦葉放棄家業出家,成為沙門,在王舍城那羅聚落中的多子塔所修行,後來於釋迦牟 尼成道後第三個月皈依,成為釋迦佛的弟子,八日後即證入阿羅漢境地,為佛弟子中 ...
釋迦三尊- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 釋迦三尊在娑婆世界教化眾生的釋迦牟尼佛,左脅侍菩薩是以智慧聞名的文殊菩薩, 右脅侍菩薩是以大行聞名的普賢菩薩,三者合稱釋迦三尊。 在華嚴經中,文殊菩薩 ...