郵局匯款收據不見了~我該如何查帳~~急- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 我該怎麼查帳而且因為已經是去年的事了...我也忘了是啥時候去匯的了我只知道我 在哪家郵局匯的...跟對方的匯款帳號.
Remittance Processing - Report 1110 - City of Scottsdale More individuals have access to Remittance Processing facilities than ... This audit of Remittance Processing was included on the Council-approved FY 2010/ 11.
Bank Branch Internal Audit - Wire Transfers and Foreign Remittances The purpose of this work program is to provide the general steps used to perform an audit of wire transfers and foreign remittance at a bank branch.