去年台灣通膨率4年新高- Yahoo奇摩新聞 2013年1月8日 ... 閱讀Yahoo奇摩新聞上的「去年台灣通膨率4年新高」。 工商時報【記者于國欽╱台北 報導】主計總處昨(7)日 ...
通膨與景氣的迷思- 中時電子報 2014年2月9日 ... 台灣的通膨率自1996年以來長期走低,2001~2005年平均通膨率為0.7%,2006~ 2010年為1.2%,近三 ...
巴克萊估:台灣2月通膨率將高於2.5% 全年平均1.5% | NOWnews 今日 ... 2013年1月8日 ... 隨著亞洲的氣候型態趨向中立,巴克萊目前預期,2013年的平均通膨率將為1.5%,略 低於2012年 ...
通貨膨脹率- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia 經濟學上,通貨膨脹率為物價平均水準的上升幅度(以通貨膨脹為準)。以氣球來類比 ,若其體積大小為物價水準,則通貨膨脹 ...
• Countries with the highest inflation rate 2014 | Statistic The statistic lists the 20 countries with the highest inflation rate in 2014. In 2014, Uruguay ranked 20th with an estimated inflation rate of about 8.79 percent compared to the ...
Taiwan Inflation Rate | 1960-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast The inflation rate in Taiwan was recorded at -0.94 percent in January of 2015. Inflation Rate in Taiwan averaged 4.31 percent from 1960 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 61.47 percent in March of 1974 and a record low of -3.09 percent in October of
Taiwan Inflation Rate MoM | 1959-2015 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast The Consumer Price Index in Taiwan decreased 0.84 percent in January of 2015 over the previous month. Inflation Rate Mom in Taiwan averaged 0.34 percent from 1959 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 15.17 percent in February of 1974 and a record low
Inflation Rate in Taiwan (from 1996 to 2015) | Forecast ~ GDP Inflation | Economic Indicators of Cou Taiwan Inflation Rate: Inflation Rate year on a year basis-0.94% in January 2015 as compared to 0.61% in the previous month.Inflation Rate decreases 1.55% than the previous month. Consumer Price Index: CPI 102.29 points in January 2015 and last year ...
Taiwan - Country Profile - 2013 - Index Mundi - Country Facts Complete profile for Taiwan. Includes country demographics, geography, government, economy, telecommunications, transportation, military, and transnational issues. ... Source: CIA World Factbook Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate
• India - Monthly inflation rate 2014 | Statistic The statistic shows the inflation rate in India from November 2013 to November 2014. The term inflation means the devaluation of money caused by a permanent increase of the price level for products (consumer goods, investment goods). The Consumer Price In