Needless - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Needless (ニードレス, Nīdoresu?) is an action comedy science fiction manga and anime series by Kami Imai. Serialized in Shueisha's seinen magazine Ultra Jump beginning in 2003, an anime adaptation by Madhouse began ...
超能力大戰- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 《超能力大戰》(NEEDLESS)是今井神的基督教末世論題材漫畫作品,並改編為同名電視動畫。2003年起在集英社的Ultra Jump雜誌上開始連載,至2013年六月號第一 ...
NEEDLESS角色列表- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 以下介紹中包含一部份原作漫畫與電視動畫劇情,請斟酌閱讀。 ... 在第100話被強行取出了被移植在體內的晶片,同時超能力也覺醒了。 ...... 在第三次世界大戰後幫助重建日本,卻因為被666委員會覬覦其能力而被殺,死後留下的屍體被稱作聖骸,成為「 ...
The Elements of Style - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Elements of Style is a prescriptive American English writing style guide in numerous editions. The original was composed by William Strunk, Jr., in 1918 and published by Harcourt in 1920, comprising eight "elementary rules of usage", ten "elementary p
Konohamaru Sarutobi - Narutopedia, the Naruto Encyclopedia Wiki Konohamaru Sarutobi (猿飛木ノ葉丸, Sarutobi Konohamaru) is a genin-level shinobi of Konohagakure after... ... Personality Konohamaru's Ninja Registration Form photograph. Konohamaru is the grandson of Hiruzen and Biwako Sarutobi as well as the nephew of Asuma
Human - Alien Species Wiki - Aliens, UFOs, Space aliens Humans are carbon-based lifeforms, and have an internal skeleton containing calcium phosphate, which gives the bones strength and durability. More than 60% of the Human body is composed of liquid water. Their circulatory system is closed and they have a h
X Parasite - Wikitroid, the Metroid wiki - Metroid: Other M, Metroid Prime 3, Metroid Prime 2, Super The X Parasite is a unique parasite witnessed only in Metroid Fusion and the Metroid Manga... ... The X were first encountered on SR388 as Samus aided Biologic's research team in capturing native life forms; when Samus killed what was thought to be an ord
One Coarse Meal - Encyclopedia SpongeBobia - The SpongeBob SquarePants Wiki One Coarse Meal is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season seven. In this episode, Mr. Krabs... ... SpongeBob History Song - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [title card] ‣ Hawaiian Sting 12 - Otto Sieben [Krabs takes a money bath]
Fletching - The RuneScape Wiki Fletching involves the making of bows and arrows. The products of this skill are primarily used... ... Flax Flax can be picked in Seers' Village, in the Taverley courtyard right next to the fountain, on the Lunar Isle, directly south-east of The Grand Tre
Rainbows (ToT) - The Harvest Moon Wiki - Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon DS, Harvest Moon Wonderful Life, The five rainbows are a crucial element in the game Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. It is... ... Item Ways to Obtain Grilled Eggplant Grow an Eggplant, and grill it on the beach, using a box of Matches (buyable at the General Store).