Tampons Vs Pads: Answers and Advice from BeingGirl I have had my periods for 2–3 years, and I have never used a tampon! What are the advantages and disadvantages with tampons and pads? Aren't the tampons ...
Pros and cons of using a tampon - Glamcheck.com Using a tampon has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below we have discussed the pros and cons of using a tampon.Health concerns, Freedom in ...
衛生巾和衛生棉條哪個好? - 健康小屋 - 痞客邦PIXNET 經過以上分析,可見衛生巾和衛生棉條都有各自的優點與不足,所以對於女性同胞們而言,目前還沒有百分之百完美的經期用品。衛生巾和衛生棉條哪個好,還是要根據 ...
衛生棉與衛生棉條| 出走台灣ESCAPING TAIWAN 2013年6月8日 - 但在歐州朋友的推薦下,我開始嘗試用衛生棉條,第一次使用時還不太習慣 ... 可作一般日常用或經期剛結束用等使用優缺點呢~ 衛生棉:可隨時更換。