Chrysal Silk & Dried Flower Cleaner - Chrysal USA Chrysal Silk & Dried Flower Cleaner is a water based product, which cleans and freshens silk, fabric and dried plants and flowers.
Flowers | Silk and Dried Flowers | Celebrations We use only the highest quality of silk and dried materials to produce the best artificial arrangements. We create everything from seasonal wreaths and door ...
蠶絲被可不可以烘? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 蠶絲被的保養要採用風乾或日曬的方式,不要放入烘衣機中. 蠶絲被日常存放在不會生蛀發黴的地方就行;平時則只需經常拍打被子,增加被子的蓬鬆。'當然,也還有 ...