Embolism - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis - Brain Health ... An embolus is a particle that moves about in our blood vessels, either in the veins or arteries. Most emboli are composed of clotted blood cells. A blood clot is ...
Warning Signs/ Symptoms | The Brain Aneurysm Foundation However, large unruptured aneurysms can occasionally press on the brain or the ... stemming out of the brain and may result in various neurological symptoms.
血管栓塞照護指導2014 - 台大醫院 血管栓塞手術照護指導. 一、腦血管栓塞手術. 「腦血管栓塞」是經由血管內栓塞治療的手術方式。治療方式是在. 局部或全身麻醉下,穿刺股動脈讓導管置入病灶處,先以 ...