脊髓損傷下肢癱瘓..-阿摩線上測驗 腦性麻痺/小兒麻痺/歌舞伎臉症by 教甄◇身心障礙組. 腦性麻痺 腦性麻痺是指幼童在出生前或出生後不久,因為直接或間接的因素,使還在發育中的大腦(未成熟階段) ...
Spinal cord injury - paraplegia | Better Health Channel Paraplegia and quadriplegia are conditions which result from damage to the spinal cord from an accident or other trauma. Support can help people with spinal ...
Spinal Cord Injury Support - Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Spinal cord injury life experiences and peer support with patient information on quadriplegia, tetraplegia and paraplegia type spinal cord injuries.