幫推薦聽歌用平民耳機........ (第1頁) - 發燒音響 - Mobile01 平民呢 大概1200左右就好了吧..... 接電腦的耳機 在MP3有辦法接... ... 小胖單車 2009-03-26 14:32 #1 文章編號: 11057271 文章人氣: 539 個人積分: 5 私訊 連結 平民呢 大概1200左右就好了吧
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10K 有找,8 款平價大耳機推薦,AKG、鐵三角、Sennheiser ... 2013年3月18日 - 本篇實際評測了8 款4000 元到10000 元的大耳機,並且讓你了解各家大耳機聲音特色。 ... 另外還首度嘗試以自行壓縮的音樂檔案,搭配foorbar經由ASIO模式 ..... 特別是小編推薦的AKG、Sony那兩款,建議實際去聽聽看就知道了。
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Best over-the-ear headphones - CNET - CNET.com CNET editors review the best headphones with product photos, video, and user ... may consider the top-tiered headphones well worth a lifetime of listening. ... Sennheiser's versatile headphones sound great on DVDs and all kinds of music.
Thread: listen to music on / through / with headphones / earphones I don't know which prepsosition goes the best with the expression listen to music in the following sentence: I often listen to music on / with / through ...