耶穌-最知心的朋友 耶穌-最知心的朋友. D 大調4/4. 新詩45. ╭╮ ╭╮. ╭╮. 1. 565︱55 556 3•23︱ 2 21 611 23︱2---︱. •. 耶穌你是 ...
【藉由詩歌享受主】耶穌-最知心的朋友 - 水深之處 昨晚,因為主的安排,讓我和一位很久沒見面的姊妹相處了一個晚上,因為很久沒 見面所以就聊到很晚。我們一起分享詩歌, ...
Jesus' best friends: Peter, James and beloved John - Arkansas ... Jesus was closer to some of his followers than to others. He had many disciples, 12 apostles and an inner circle of three best friends: Peter, James and his ...
Who was the disciple whom Jesus loved? - GotQuestions.org It seems that John had a closer relationship with Jesus than any of the other disciples. Jesus and John were essentially “best friends.” Jesus entrusted John with ...