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Will a magnet damage laptop computer's hard drive? - YouTube We tried on 3 different kind of magnets: refrigerator magnet, RadioShack magnet and The Hammerhead Magnet. And it really destroyed the hard drive. The conclusion is yes it's possible to damage laptop computer's hard drive with powerful magnet and it canno
magnet Facts, information, pictures | articles about magnet magnet Object that produces a magnetic field, an area around the magnet in which other magnetizable objects experience a force. Lodestones, which are naturally magnetic, were used as early magnets, and strong magnetic materials were later recognized as ..
What is a Magnet School? | Article describing what magnet schools are and how they work. ... Another distinguishing characteristic of magnet schools is that they usually have alternative or otherwise compelling modes of instruction.
硬碟- 硬碟對磁鐵的忍受力? - 電腦討論區- Mobile01 有鑒於現在有「內建」磁鐵的3C產品愈來愈多,例如iPad2、自動收線滑鼠、筆電包、 手持產品皮夾等,想必不少人也跟小弟一樣會有疑問,這些「內建」 ...
Android平板電腦- DIY 電容筆加磁鐵- 筆電討論區- Mobile01 原本大多數的人是拿來吸住iPad 的, 其實電容筆加上磁鐵也可以拿來喚醒nexus 7 http...
磁鐵對電腦會照成哪種影響?? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 之前我的裝電腦的袋子是用磁鐵扣上的...但很久之前我電腦跑得還算順...但是之後 電腦很詭異...一夏很LAG一夏超順...所以我好奇的事...磁鐵對"筆電"會照 ...
筆電硬碟接觸到強力磁鐵,導致硬碟當機,之後就無法開機- Yahoo!奇摩 ... 我的使用筆電時硬碟接觸到\"強力磁鐵\",導致硬碟當機,之後就無法開機,聽朋友建議 將硬碟拿出放到外接盒再外接到另一部電腦上就能讀取資料作備份,我因此買了外接 ...
磁鐵可以拿來玩筆電! - YouTube 2011年4月13日 - 17 秒 - 上傳者:sean4018 無意中發現,把磁力稍強的磁鐵靠近筆電,螢幕就會一片漆黑!
Kensington 的SlimBlade 筆電用鍵盤組靠磁鐵黏在一起 2007年9月19日 ... Kensington 宣稱要用這套SlimBlade Media Notebook 鍵鼠組來「顛覆人機介面」, 而祕密就是...磁鐵。不,不是說它能用Steorn.