Loud running hard drive - Dell - Computer Brands - Tom's Hardware Hello, Noisy hard drive ..always runs loud. ... The regular Windows check disk is not good for detecting failing drives in most cases, it usually just masks the issue ...
Articles - What to do when your hard drive makes loud noises... How to troubleshoot a loud computer or disk drive. ... It can't find the info, so the arms holding the heads runs into a crash stop that keeps the heads from sliding ...
求救!我家電腦硬碟運轉聲音很大,還會自動斷電關機- Yahoo!奇摩 ... 行動版 - 但我發現,好像硬碟在發出某種怪聲音之後,電腦特別容易斷電關機反正就是運轉的聲音不像平常的...(有時候 ...
嫌你的硬碟吵嗎?- 硬碟靜音程式@ My PC,My Lift ... - Xuite日誌 2008年6月23日 - 如果你覺得你電腦的硬碟運轉太大聲,或許可以把它調小聲一點.現在的硬碟幾乎都有這個功能.要讓您的硬碟安靜的話可以試試看程式 ...