Hiccups: Get the Facts on Hiccup Cures and Remedies - MedicineNet Learn about what causes hiccups (medications, certain foods, surgery, strokes, brain ... There are a variety of methods that can be attempted to cure the hiccups.
Hiccups Treatment & Management - Medscape Reference Treatment & Management: Hiccups. The term hiccup derives from the sound of the event; the alternative spelling hiccough erroneously implies an association ...
5种方法来治疗打嗝 如何治疗打嗝. 很多医生觉得治疗打嗝的各种秘方纯属扯淡。而外行人却说自己的 ... 也可以治疗打嗝。 8. 喝一口水不要咽下,向后拉耳垂并咽下水,打嗝会立刻停止。 9.