災害 - 英文線上字典,包含英漢字典 但是,如果說日本應對自然災害或風險的方法在本質上是宿命論的,那就是胡說八道了,投入巨大的人力和物力建造釜石防波堤表明了這一點。 But it would be ...
災難片 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 災難片(英文:Disaster film)是一種關於各種災難的電影類型,不論是緊急的或者是即將面臨的災難,此類電影常以空難、船難、天然災害或隕石撞擊為母題,至近代的外星人入侵或怪物突變的電影,由於全球暖化,關於氣候變遷的議題也加入災難類型 ...
勞工相關法規 - 新竹市政府勞工局 兩性工作平等法及相關法規 (Gender Equality in Employment Law) 勞工安全衛生法及相關法規 (Labor Safety And Health Law)
無線電常用語 英文字母與數字之報讀法 無線電常用語 英文字母與 數字之報讀法 字母 標準報讀 常用報讀 地名報讀 A Alfa Apple America B Bravo Baker Boston C Charlie ...
Hillsborough disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hillsborough disaster occurred on 15 April 1989 at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, England. During the FA Cup semi-final match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest football clubs, a human crush resulted in the deaths of 96 people and injurie
Heysel Stadium disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Heysel Stadium Disaster (pronounced: [ˈɦɛizəl]; Dutch: Heizeldrama) occurred on 29 May 1985 when escaping fans were pressed against a wall in the Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium, before the start of the 1985 European Cup Final between Juventus of
GDIN.ORG A disaster means a catastrophe that can be either natural or caused by humans, that can affect negatively life or industries. Disasters often lead to permanent changes in human societies, ecosystems and the environment. Actually the fast development of th
我要10個天然災害,要英文喔! - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 1、地震an earthquake 2、火山爆發a volcanic eruption 3、海嘯a tsunami 4、颱風a typhoon 5、水災floods 6、豪雨a torrential rain 7、乾旱a drought
严重灾害英文 - 查查在线词典 严重灾害英文翻译:havoc…,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释严重灾害英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译严重灾害,严重灾害的英语例句用法和解释。
灾害英文 - 查查在线翻译 灾害英文翻译:[ zāihài ] damage; disaster; fatality; c…,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释灾害英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译灾害,灾害的英语例句用法和解释。