Sunday, Oct 5, 2014: DST starts in Australia Daylight Savings Time ( DST) in most of Australia starts on Sunday, October 5, 2014, when clocks will be ...
Sunday, April 7, 2013: Australia and New Zealand end DST In Australia, DST is only observed in the south-eastern states. Clocks will be turned back in the ...
Daylight Savings Time - Australia Australia DST Daylight Saving Time ( DST) has been implemented within Australia in various forms since ...
Time | Daylight Saving Time ( DST) is the practice of advancing clocks one hour during the warmer months of the ...
時區 - 澳洲東部標準時間(AEST)包括昆士蘭州(Queensland)、新南威爾斯州(New South Wales)、 ... 尼亞州(Tasmania)和澳洲首都領地(ACT)會將時間調快一小時,改用 夏令時間(Daylight Saving Time,DST)。
日光節約時間2013相關網站 - 背包客棧 日光節約時間快到了,已經在澳洲的或是計畫要來澳洲玩的朋友請參考, 避免當天 錯過飛機, day tour或是任何約會和活動.
2013年澳洲日光節約時間結束(2013 Australia Daylight Saving Ends ... 2013年4月6日 ... 明天(4月7日, 星期日)東澳時間凌晨3點時,東澳的大家要把鐘往後調一個小時,也 就是調回到凌晨2點噢!
夏令時間- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia 夏令時間或夏時制(英語:Summer time),又稱日光節約時制、日光節約時間(英語: Daylight saving time), ...
Australia & DST USA, Canada clocks on Daylight Saving Time until Sunday 2 November 2014 at 2am local time UK / Europe: Clocks on Summer Time until Sunday 26 October 2014 at 01:00 (1am ... Daylight Saving Time USA Australia & DST Australia Daylight Saving Time ...
Australia and New Zealand start the 2013—2014 DST period Australia and New Zealand are about to switch to daylight saving time (DST). ... Time Zones in Australia and New Zealand: The orange and yellow striped areas observe DST. Blue stripes indicate areas with odd UTC offsets (no DST).