Simon Fraser University | Burnaby Roommate Finder | Off Campus Student Housing - Apartments, Houses Living Near Simon Fraser University SFU is located in Burnaby, near Vancouver, BC. SFU is ranked in the top three comprehensive universities in Canada for almost 20 years. It is located atop Burnaby Mountain and housing may prove to be challenging. SFU is
加拿大– 溫哥華島大學 - OH Study留學中心 Vancouver Island University & High School 溫哥華島大學&高中. 【學校介紹】. Vancouver Island University 溫哥華島大學,成立於1936年、學校位於加拿大西岸卑詩 ...
溫哥華島大學- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia 溫哥華島大學(英語:Vancouver Island University)是加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華島一所公立大學,主校園位於納奈莫地區納奈莫市,並於鄧肯、鮑威爾河和帕克斯 ...