簡易無限遠校正器兼短焦測焦器 - 巨眼之門 - url.tw 簡易無限遠校正器兼短焦測焦器. 有些自己玩拆鏡的人常常對調整無限遠的問題很頭痛,因為有空玩拆鏡可能是在晚上下班以後,但是晚上玩拆鏡就會碰到要校正無限 ...
Cocaine Prices - Cocaine & Crack Forum - Party Vibe where i am its 40 dollars a gram, so how much would the rest of the measurements be? sorry,lol beginner.hah 1g=\ 3.5= ? 7.0= ? 14.0= ? 28.0= ?
Quantities cocaine is commonly sold in and slang - Drugs-forum it really depends in what country and in what setting. common units are lines (yes, it happens in some club environments in some european countries),