台灣空中勇士海鷗部隊 - Discovery探索頻道雜誌 空軍救護隊以海鷗自許,期望直升機所到之處,能為受難者帶來希望的曙光。明年成 軍將滿一甲子的台灣空軍救護隊,水裡來火裡去,哪裡是最緊急危難的地方,就是 ...
「風管效應」陣風達10級 海研五號救援最大困難點 | ETtoday地方新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 海研五號沉沒的情況就像電影鐵達尼號一樣。 地方中心/綜合報導 「海研五號」10日在澎湖外海發生觸礁意外,短短3小時內就沉沒了,這對海上救援來說,時間非常短,天色很暗就算派兩架空軍C130運輸機,空投照明彈幫助也
Seagull rescued by helicopter - amazing video shows heroic feat ... A distressed seagull has been saved from power lines by helicopter crews and the whole daring rescue was captured on video.
Photos | Helicopter rescues seagull in Virginia Beach ... The bird had been stuck for days high above the water near the Lesner Bridge. It was still alive when it was rescued.