求死亡筆記本的所有英文和中文規則﹝20點﹞ - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 我需要死亡筆記本的所有英文和中文規則,要到第59頁的。 謝謝! ... http://*****/ TeOOu 我幫你找到有人有分享的部落格 因為字數關係很難貼上來
死亡筆記本的使用規則(中文加英文) - 動漫名作版- 鐵之狂傲 不知道有沒有分享過耶...如果是回鍋物就請刪刪刪...IThe human whose name is written in this note shall die.名字被寫在死亡筆記上的人類將會死...
破越茶道: 死亡筆記本規則XVI~XVIII (中英文) - yam天空部落 XVI The god of death must at least own one DEATH NOTE. That DEATH NOTE must never be lent to or written on by a human. 死神必須至少持有一本死亡 ...
破越茶道: 死亡筆記本規則I~III (中英文) - yam天空部落 當死亡筆記本到達人類世界時,就是屬於人類世界的物件。 The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, i.e. a god of death.
破越茶道: 死亡筆記本規則XLI~XLV (中英文) - yam天空部落 XLI. It is useless trying to erase names written in the DEATH NOTE with erasers or whiteout. 寫在死亡筆記本裡的名字,即使用擦布或修正液除去也毫無作用。 XLII.
破越茶道: 死亡筆記本規則VI~VIII (中英文) - yam天空部落 VI The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human. 寫上的 ...
破越茶道: 死亡筆記本規則IV~V (中英文) - yam天空部落 IV The person in possession of the DEATH NOTE is possessed by a god of death , its original owner, until they die. 死亡筆記本的持有人會被原本持有那本筆記的 ...
破越茶道: 死亡筆記本規則XIX~XX (中英文) - yam天空部落 人類使用死亡筆記本時,必須要有活著的死神存在於人間界。 註:若那個死神死了, 死亡筆記本的持有人則可以繼續使用死亡筆記本。 It is very difficult to consider that ...
破越茶道: 死亡筆記本規則XXXIX~XL (中英文) - yam天空部落 XXXIX. Humans that have traded for the eye power of a god of death cannot see the name or life.Span of humans who have already passed away by looking at ...
Rules of the Death Note - Death Note Wiki See also: Fake Death Note Rules The following is a list of all the rules for the Death Note and...