台灣藍鵲的鳥樣子 - 晨曦的山中花園 - udn部落格 說真的我只是“白頭翁”,很平凡的一種鳥,雖然我的叫聲不如黃鶯好聽,但是卻比那凶惡的“台灣藍鵲”好聽。雖然我的羽毛不豔麗,沒有寶藍色,但是我有很環保的墨綠色。雖然我不太引人注目,但我有時候的樣子也很可愛...
鳥-樹鵲的叫聲- YouTube
迎接晨光序曲的樹雀- YouTube
樹鵲叫聲- YouTube
灰樹鵲- YouTube
公園喜鵲叫聲- YouTube
美麗一瞬間: 樹鵲(Gray Treepie) 2008年4月11日 - ㄧ般台語叫他做"嘎嘎仔",後山花蓮的原住民,稱牠做"嘎嘎溜",這些都是因為樹鵲的叫聲而 ...
American Tree Sparrow, Sounds, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of ... Learn how to identify American Tree Sparrow, its life history, cool facts, sounds and calls, and watch videos. Plump and long-tailed, American Tree Sparrows are ...
The RSPB: Tree sparrow The UK tree sparrow population has suffered a severe decline, estimated at 93 per cent between 1970 and 2008. However, recent Breeding Bird Survey data is ...