模擬城市系列經典回顧 - 骨灰集散地 模擬城市2000(SimCity 2000)1993年推出 《模擬城市》推出後經過四年,Maxis公司汲取了眾多玩家的建議,再次推出續作《模擬城市2000》。玩過一代的玩家乍看到《模擬城市2000》時,可能都會被它極為精緻的遊戲畫面所震攝。
模擬城市系列經典回顧 模擬城市(Amiga版), 模擬城市, 模擬城市2000, 模擬城市3000, 模擬城市3000 .... 到 官方的專屬網站,除了和眾多《模擬城市》的同好們彼此討論和交換技巧外,也可以 下載最新推出的各種景觀及建築物(例如911 ...
Download SimCity 2000 | DOS Games Archive SimCity 2000 is the successor to the ground breaking city simulation game SimCity. You are once again the mayor, but this time you can fully customize... ... Description SimCity 2000 is the successor to the ground breaking city simulation game SimCity. Yo
Simcity 2000 download | BestOldGames.net Simcity 2000 is an old dos game, published in 1993 by Maxis. Main genre of this old game is strategy. We gave this game stunning rating of 83 and you can download it for free right here. We are really sorry, there is no english short review for Simcity 20
Download SimCity 2000 | Abandonia SimCity 2000 is an amazing game, from whichever perspective you choose. City model, graphics, gameplay. Whichever topic comes to your mind, SimCity 2000 will have it covered brilliantly. Let us start with the actual game concept. At the beginning, you are
SimCity 2000™ Special Edition for download $5.99 - GOG.com One of the greatest games, played by city planners Posted on 2011-10-04 13:49:02 by cw8: There's a reason why Simcity is one of my top all time favourite franchise. Simcity 2000 being one of the most memorable in the series. There's also a reason why city
SimCity 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia SimCity 2000 (SC2K) is a city-building simulation video game and the second installment in the SimCity series. SimCity 2000 was first released by Maxis in 1994 for computers running Apple Macintosh Operating System. It was later released on the Amiga, DOS
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