經典遊戲重溫《杏林也瘋狂》繁體中文版Theme Hospital下載及集中討論區 ... 2010年8月17日 - [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v647/uasss/hospital/7827fe8f.jpg[/img][color=#3366ff]遊戲資料[/color]開發公司:牛蛙公司(美商藝電 ...
Theme Hospital Download - Dos Games Online When I was a young teenager, I discovered this game and I had a blast playing it. Building your own hospital with different rooms to help out... ... Theme Hospital is another great game by Bullfrog. I once had a full version of it on CD, but never knew it
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DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS I cant even get it to work.. It says "this program cannot be run in dos mode" and I've tried both v0.74 and 0.73 and it says the same thing in both. any suggestions?? ... Its playing well on vista using dosbox game launcher (with dosbox 0.73), on a low en
[供檔] 杏林也瘋狂DOS WINDOWS 兩用版-阿摩線上測驗 DOS 版已經用DOSBOX 打包好 www.megaupload.com/?d=9VVVKSOF WINDOWS 版,請執行WINMAIN.
[供檔] 杏林也瘋狂DOS WINDOWS 兩用版-阿摩線上測驗 - 公職 DOS 版已經用DOSBOX 打包好 www.megaupload.com/?d=9VVVKSOF WINDOWS 版,請執行WINMAIN.
杏林也瘋狂如何跳關(20) - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2007年11月29日 - 跳關方法: DOS下:HOSPITAL -L# WIN95下:捷徑後加-L# 這個是改哪裡在什麼時候改請交 ...
[教學] 在Mac環境下玩Dos遊戲的Boxer - 第6頁- iPhone4.TW 不知道有沒有玩過杏林也瘋狂~ 我找到這個遊戲~但是一直都沒辦法成功玩~~有大大可 ...
[=舊GAME=]有冇巴絲玩過杏林也瘋狂/主題醫院?.? - 香港高登 ... 2013年2月16日 - 你幾大? [yipes] DOS Emulator: http://www.bestoldgames.net/eng/dosbox/ ... 杏林 也瘋狂