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第一次充電時間? (第1頁) - Nokia (Windows Phone) - Mobile01 大家通常購買新手機第一次充電時都會充多久? 印象中記得現在的電池已經不用像 以前第一次先充滿8 ...
How To Take Care of Your Smartphone Battery the Right Way Your smartphone is a minor miracle, a pocket-sized computer that can fulfill ... In fact, your battery will behave the best if you take it off the charge before it hits 100 ... revolution may have freed us from wall sockets, but only for as long as
10 Ways to Boost Your Smartphone's Battery Life | PCWorld Tired of seeing your smartphone die halfway through the day? ... others on a single charge, all smartphones suffer from the same basic problem: They do too much. ... This setting controls how long your phone's screen stays lit after receiving&nbs