Notes Payable (N/P) as a Current Liability - For Dummies To get this transaction on the books, debit cash for $50,000 and discount on notes payable for $1,250. The total amount of the short-term note payable is ...
Chapter 12 - Principles of Accounting Notes Payable are formal short-term borrowings usually evidenced by ... Observe that the $1,000 difference is initially recorded as a discount on note payable.
第8 條 - 證券暨期貨法令判解查詢系統 二)應付短期票券:係為自貨幣市場獲取資金,而委託金融機構發行之短期票券,包括 應付商業本票及銀行承兌匯票等。 應付短期票券應按現值評價,應付短期票券折價 ...
格式七之二應付短期票券明細表 (格式七之二). 應付短期票券明細表. 項目. 保證或承兌. 機構. 契約期限利率區間. 金. 額. 備註. 發行金額未攤銷應付短期票券折價帳面金額.