Prepositions of Time: at, in, on | EnglishClub Prepositions of Time: at, in, on. We use: at for a PRECISE TIME; in for MONTHS, YEARS, CENTURIES and LONG PERIODS; on for DAYS and DATES ...
論文來稿撰寫體例 - 國立臺灣大學社會學系 體例 (六)註解 註解旨在說明或補充正文,相關參考資料請寫在參考書目中。註解採隨頁註,正文中的註解編號以阿拉伯數字加在標點符號後的右上 方。《台灣社會學》編輯委員會為劃一論文規格,特編訂論文來稿撰寫體
博客來-Garnet 活用英文文法 書名:Garnet 活用英文文法,原文名稱:English Practice Grammar,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789574454358,頁數:220,出版社:書林出版有限公司,作者:Michael Macfarlane,譯者:沈琦,出版日期:2011/11/14,類別:語言學習
國立政治大學英國語文學系 期刊論文 Yeh, Chiou-shing, and Huei-ling Lai. 2014. Modal Development of pa3 (怕) in Taiwanese Hakka: Grammaticalization and Subjectification (臺灣客語「怕」之情態演變:語法化與主觀化之觀點). Chinese Studies (漢學研究) 32.1: 305-340.
Prepositions of Time - Perfect English Grammar Prepositions of Time - how to use prepositions with days, months, seasons, ... years: in 1992, in 2006; months: in December, in June; decades: in the sixties, ...