Pokémon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokemon ?) is a media franchise published and owned by Japanese video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing ...
The Pokémon Wiki The Pokémon Wiki is a Pokémon database that anyone can contribute to. Includes Pokémon, characters, games, and much more. ... type|location|size|caption]] However, everything after name can come in whatever order the user wants it to. In depth information
Pokémon - Wikipedia Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?) è una serie di videogiochi giapponese creata nel 1996 da Satoshi Tajiri e pubblicata da Nintendo. I protagonisti della serie sono delle creature immaginarie chiamate "Pokémon". L'enorme successo della serie in tutto il mondo ha por
神奇宝贝百科 If you CAN NOT use Chinese but need to contact 52Poké Wiki, you could leave your message in our meeting room in .... 这也就意味着另外一件事,那就是神奇宝贝们的新中文名称也将一起出炉。 ... Italiano(義大利语):Pokémon Central Wiki
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WikiDex, la enciclopedia Pokémon WikiDex es un proyecto cuya idea es recopilar toda la información existente sobre Pokémon, desde información de los videojuegos, hasta del anime, manga y juego de cartas coleccionables. Este es un wiki, por lo que cualquiera puede crear o editar una págin
Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia Wiki-style encyclopedia containing information on the anime series, movies, games and manga.
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