原道交流學會漢語天主教術語對照查詢 天主教術語(西文/中文) 基督新教或其它常見譯名 Peter Abelard (1079–21 April 1142) 亞貝拉 彼得•阿伯拉爾 "Los von Rom" movement 脫離羅馬運動 "Two Ways", parable of 兩條道路的比喻 (7 December 1985) 演講 (1985年12月7日)
Edu Exam Note: 班級經營策略模式 團體動力型(群眾領袖) :善用團體動力,支持自我控制,運用影響技術→雷德與華頓柏 眼觀四面型(指揮家) :善用漣漪效應,抓住全班焦點,教師掌握全局→庫寧(J. Kounin) 行為塑造型(教練) :善用鼓勵懲罰,建立行為契約,改變學生行為 ...
Kantianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kantianism is the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher born in Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia). The term "Kantianism" or "Kantian" is sometimes also used to describe contemporary positions in philosophy of mind, epistemology, an
Instrumentalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Instrumentalism is an interpretation within the philosophy of science that a successful scientific theory reveals nothing known either true or false about nature's unobservable aspects.[1] By instrumentalism, then, scientific theory is a tool whereby huma
Psychologism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Bibliography Cited Works Anderson, L.R., 2005. “Neo-Kantianism and the Roots of Anti-Psychologism,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 13: 287-323. Baker, G.P. and P.M.S. Hacker, 1989. “Frege's Anti-Psychologism,” in M.A. Notturno (ed.). Persp
19、經驗主義又稱為(A)理想主義(B)多元主義(C)結構主義(D ... 實在主義者見解趨向經驗影響力,心靈的充實與發展主要受環境影響, 心靈是被動的吸收,形成有系統的概念與知識」 論及教育目的,實在主義教育的目的強調「重視 ...
經驗主義實在主..-阿摩線上測驗 實在主義知識論的題目by 教甄◇教育哲學. 哪一學派的知識論主張知識是客觀的,是被動的吸收,知識的來源主要來自於經驗? (A)理想主義 (B)實在主義 (C)實驗主義 ...
實在主義-阿摩線上測驗 唯實論:注意具體的經驗世界,強調感官功能的重要,開始使用本地語言,進行旅行教育,並傾向自然的探索 實在主義代 表亞里斯多德、洛克、赫爾巴特、培根知識論 ...
Scientific Realism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Debates about scientific realism are centrally connected to almost everything else in ... 4.1 Empiricism; 4.2 Historicism; 4.3 Social Constructivism; 4.4 Feminist ...
Constructive empiricism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In philosophy, constructive empiricism is a form of empiricism. ... Constructive empiricism opposes scientific realism, logical positivism (or logical empiricism) and ...