如何讓調色盤裡的壓克力顏料不會太快乾掉| 插畫生活 壓克力顏料是很多插畫家愛用的顏料,但是要如何保持未用完顏料不會太快乾掉呢?
Killing acrylic method : Cute and Kaboodle Killing acrylic method is a useful and very easy technique that will help you get your projects behave well! There are only a few things you need to remember ...
壓克力顏料@ 漫畫教室吃雞排:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 因為壓克力顏料乾後不溶於水,所以使用水彩、彩色墨水等水性顏料上色前,拿壓克 ... 很用力ˋ很用力不過每次都挨揍看了這篇文才知道原來壓克力乾了不融於水呀!
Photo Tutorial: Acrylic Killer! - Moogly Killing acrylic is taking blocking to the extreme. I'd never kill anything I wanted to have stretch. But for a few items, killing is exactly what I mean to do!