flash 地球自转_百度知道 2009年11月4日 - 首先需要地球拉展开的图片,复制一份并且左右反转下,建立个圆形的遮罩层,地球 的俩图片一个向左运动,一个向右运动,看到的就是地球旋转的效果!
【转】发一套地球自转系列的flash素材_编程开发&艺术_百度空间 2010年6月9日 - 莫许杯深琥珀浓,未成沈醉意先融,疏钟已应晚来风,瑞脑香消魂梦断,辟寒金小髻鬟松,醒时空对烛花红,【转】发一套地球自转系列的flash素材.
FLASH教學10 地球旋轉動畫- YouTube 2013年12月6日 - 35 分鐘 - 上傳者:網路教學影片收集 教學影片是從網路上收集來的如有侵權,請通知我刪除.
(影音教學)FLASH動畫:地球轉動(遮色片) - YouTube 請準備一張世界地圖的點陣圖片 匯入FLASH,製作成自轉的地球動畫 黃玲君 老師 http://www.iwill-image.com/
3d Flash Earth - 3D Flash Gallery 3d Flash Earth. 3D Flash Gallery is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior, cross-browser, fast-loading website flash image galleries.. Many ...
地球自轉flash - 相關部落格
Earth - Universe Today — Space and astronomy news The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest of the eight planets in our Solar System. It is located between Mars and Venus, which are also terrestrial planets. Earth has a number of nicknames including
Jupiter and Earth rotation comparison | Planetary Science Institute Mouse over the preview image and click the play icon to see a flash version of the animations. Download high-resolution animations using links below. ... Jupiter and Earth Rotation Comparison - An interesting perspecive on the relative rotation speeds of
Lesson Info: Comparing Earth and Venus Gizmo | ExploreLearning Comparing Earth and Venus Observe the motions of Venus and Earth as the planets move around the Sun. Measure the length of a day and a year on Earth and Venus, and compare the length of a solar day to the length of a sidereal day.
影片特效- 地球自轉- YouTube 2014年4月18日 - 14 秒 - 上傳者:lin sbonny You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download .... 地球的自轉與 公轉( 國家教 ...