義式咖啡專業課程班(觀看更多課程內容請點擊圖片) - 楊海銓餐飲學苑 ... 2014年9月10日 ... 半自動義式咖啡機認識、示範與實際操作:半自動義式咖啡機操作流程、咖. 啡豆的 研磨、填壓咖啡粉力道 ...
Cappuccino 拉花示範教學_伊萊克斯MCM100T(電動摩卡壺) 、EES1504K(蒸氣式咖啡機) - YouTube MCM100T 、EES1504K輕鬆製作出專業級的Cappuccino 透過MCM100T萃取出香醇的Expresso 搭配EES1504K蒸汽打奶泡功能 就可以輕鬆製作出一杯完美的Cappuccino 感謝 Mojo 資深barista 黃儒怡
Operating instructions Built-in coffee machine CVA 2660 - Nespresso Operating instructions. Built-in coffee machine. CVA 2660. To avoid the risk of accidents or damage to the machine, it is essential to read these instructions ...
Operating Instructions Freestanding coffee machine CM 5000 - Miele Operating Instructions. Freestanding coffee machine. CM 5000. To prevent accidents and machine damage read these instructions before installation or use.