和尚鸚鵡的飼養方式- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2012年11月30日 - 幼鳥目前約多大?!~~~最近天氣變冷了~太小就要開始保溫囉~ ***和尚鸚鵡基本資料:*** 和尚鸚鵡約有4種左右的亞種,牠們的生命力非常強韌,能耐嚴寒,而 ...
Quaker or Monk Parakeets - Feeding | VCA Animal Hospitals Our knowledge of bird nutrition is constantly evolving. This is due both to heightened awareness of the importance of nutrition and to increased research. As with ...
What Types of Food Can You Give to a Quaker Parakeet? - Pets The Quaker parakeet, also referred to as the monk parakeet, is a small, speaking member of the parrot family who enjoys pleasant conversations, long walks on ...