The best way from KL airport to Melaka - Melaka Forum - TripAdvisor Have anyone cud tell me the best way to get to melaka from KL airport ? and how many hours ? thanks.. any good hotel recommended? Wish u all good.
Getting to Melaka by Bus | For getting to Melaka from KL International Airport (KLIA) or Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) by express bus, your best option is Transnasional, if your flight's ...
吉隆坡包車一日遊 - MyTravel-吉隆坡旅遊資訊網 由國內旅遊達人親自開車帶您暢遊吉隆坡市內大大小小的旅遊景點、吃遍最道地的美食佳餚,客製化的私房行程保證帶給您不一樣的驚喜!