Indian Ocean Tsunami - Part 1 - YouTube Video and news clips from the December 26th Indian Ocean Tsunami.
Tsunami 2004: Asian tsunami, Indian Ocean tsunami, Boxing day tsunami Tsunami 2004 facts and figures: the cause, countries effected, damages, statistics, recovery efforts, survivor stories, health impacts, lessons learned... ... This deadliest tsunami 2004 caused by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, killing more than 250,000 peop
Tsunami 2004 - Universe Today — Space and astronomy news The waves of the 2004 tsunami reached 30 meters, which is by no means the largest tsunami ever recorded. However, the 2004 tsunami did substantial damage. It destroyed thousands of miles of coastline. It even completely covered some islands. The effect of
Disaster Watch Tsunami Archives HUMAN TOLL Number of fatalities: 35,322. (Source: Government of Sri Lanka, November 2005.) Number of IDPs: 516,150. (Source: Government of Sri Lanka, November 2005.) 14 out of 28 districts were affected. (Source: Government of ...
Boxing Day tsunami 2004 | British Red Cross We worked in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Maldives to help people recover from the devastating tsunami, and to prepare for future disasters. ... What we do > Emergency response > Past emergencies > Boxing Day tsunami 2004 Boxing Day tsunami 2004 For ...
BBC NEWS | Special Reports | 2004 | Asia quake disaster Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
馬爾地夫快沉了?還早嘞!--末日旅程第五站 - 商業周刊 2012年5月24日 ... 在馬爾地夫的首都馬列,我的導遊正跟我解釋他們的生活與價值觀,旁邊的是南亞 海嘯傷亡死者所留下的 ...
三月蜜月行(下)--馬爾地夫@ 王大師論壇:: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 2012年3月20日 ... 再來到這次蜜月的重頭戲─馬爾地夫,一個專家認為會在50年後滅頂的印度洋 ... 想像一旦海嘯來,這些人要往那逃。 也許就是這緣故,馬國在2004年的南亞大海嘯時 ,有逾1000多人身亡。
南亞大海嘯淹沒馬爾地夫二十多個島嶼幾乎滅國 - e報休士頓休斯敦 ... 大海嘯除了掠奪南亞國家人命和財產,還可能是島國如馬爾地夫與部分印度部落文化 的最後致命一擊。政府和專家擔心,馬爾 ...
我想去馬爾地夫渡蜜月,請問南亞海嘯時當地的災情嚴重嗎?有死多 ... 我可不想浪漫ㄉ蜜月半夜遇到鬼........請知道ㄉ人告訴我,到底南亞海嘯對馬爾地夫這 ㄍ地方造成衝擊ㄉ狀況,謝謝!!