Professional 3D Printing | Stratasys Stratasys leads the world in 3D printing. Check out FDM, PolyJet and WDM technologies and the industry’s most powerful range of materials. ... Latest News June 9 Stratasys Adds Flexible Color Digital Materials for Unparalleled 3D Printed Product Realism .
Printing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Printing is a process for reproducing text and images using a master form or template. The earliest examples include Cylinder seals and other objects such as the Cyrus cylinder & Cylinders of Nabonidus. The earliest known form of woodblock printing came f
Printmaking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Woodcut, a type of relief print, is the earliest printmaking technique, and the only one traditionally used in the Far East. It was probably first developed as a means of printing patterns on cloth, and by the 5th century was used in China for printing te
3D printing: The printed world | The Economist FILTON, just outside Bristol, is where Britain's fleet of Concorde supersonic airliners was built. In a building near a wind tunnel on the same sprawling site, something even more remarkable is being created. Little by little a machine is “printing” a com
3D 列印的發展現況 傳統的加工方式是採用大塊材料慢慢切削雕琢的減法方式製作,. 常造成材料的浪費。3D 列印技術則採用層層堆疊的加法方式製作,. 可避免不必要的浪費。
金屬粉體材料在3D列印技術之發展與應用-- 工研院電子報第10311期 2014年11月30日 - 快速原型(Rapid Prototype)與快速製造(Rapid Manufacturing)是一種利用電腦輔助設計(CAD)的數位資訊達到快速生成模型或零件的製造技術, ...
3D 列印技術之發展現況與醫學上之應用 - 財團法人醫藥品查驗中心 用的可能性,從而受到一般大眾的普遍關注。3D 列印技術可針對個人進行客製. 化的快速成型製造特性,正 ...
Quad/Graphics - Official Site Quad/Graphics is the quintessential American business success story. By doing things differently and better for almost 40 years, we’ve grown from humble beginnings in rural Pewaukee, Wis., into the world’s second largest provider of print and multichannel
3D 列印技術提升雞犬升天,雙腿殘狗健步如飛| TechNews 科技新報 2014年12月28日 - 過去人類發展科技,往往造成野生動植物的災難,不過隨著人類文明愈來愈進步, 科技的發展,現在往往是「雞犬升天」,連動物也深深受惠,其中3D 列 ...
3D列印技術- MBA智库百科 2014年12月11日 - 3D列印技術是快速成形技術的一種,它是將電腦設計出的三維數字模型分解成若幹層平面切片,然後由3D印表機把粉末狀、液狀或絲狀塑料、金屬、 ...