交大教授的超完美英語文法筆記分詞構句:搞懂主動被動就夠了!|多 ... 2012年12月21日 ... 一、語法大哉問. 常有學生對於「過去分詞」可以用於「現在式」的句子裡感到莫名其妙 ,尤其是所謂「分詞構句」的型式: Located at the top of the hill, ...
徵求分詞構句被動例句十句(急) - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 徵求分詞構句被動例句十句(急)例如:Caught by the police, she killed herself.句子短,單字淺即可。感激不盡>< ... 2008-05-04 20:06:07 補充 sorry,我以為你說的是分詞構句和被動例句各10句。分詞構句中1-5是被動的,6-10是主動的,我寫的是分詞構句沒錯喔 ...
分詞構句vs關係子句 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 由這幾個例句,也就可以知道,分詞構句,要以主動或被動開始,完全看主詞。主詞是主動,就用現在分詞;主詞是被動,就用過去分詞。 2008-02-09 20:05:06 補充 We know the Maine Coon is intelligent and playful. The Maine Coon is one of the largest breeds ...
分詞構句例句 - 相關部落格
英文考試得「分」之鑰 ─ Participle(分詞) - 疑難作業事務所 - 無名小站 『Participial Construction』分詞構句 Participle真正精采的用法是Participial Construction (分詞構句) 先以下列例句 讓各位施主觀賞。 Having reached the end of my poor sinner's life, my hair now white, I grow old as the world does, waiting to be ...
什麼是分詞構句?請先看下面兩個例句 1. Before I did the grocery shopping, I made a list of the things we need. 2. Shel 什麼是分詞構句?請先看下面兩個例句 1. Before I did the grocery shopping, I made a list of the things we need. Ans: Before doing the grocery shopping,……… 2. Shelly couldn’t get her purse because she was locked out of the house. Ans: …………..because ...
什麼是分詞構句?請先看下面兩個例句 1. Before I did the grocery ... 什麼是分詞構句?請先看下面兩個例句 1. Before I did the grocery shopping, I made a list of the things we need. 2.
分詞構句 分詞構句. 副詞子句的簡化. 單元大綱. 何謂分詞構句. 分詞構句的步驟. 連接詞的種類 . - 時間先後. - 因果關係. - 條件.
The Bright Side: Unit 9句型: 副詞子句與分詞構句- yam天空部落 2008年5月22日 ... 從以上例句我們可以觀察到兩個現象: ... 這個句型叫做「分詞構句」,其實它就是把前 一個句型談到的「副詞 ...
Sentence Structure: Learn about the four types of sentences! Thank goodness for sentences and sentence structure! Sentences are nice little packages of words that come together to express complete thoughts. They make ...