【新聞文摘】大氣二氧化碳濃度已衝破400ppm關卡 - 清碳聯盟 美國斯克理普斯海洋研究所(Scripps Institute of Oceanography) 於月初公布最新 數據顯示,今年4月大氣二氧化碳平均濃度為401.33ppm,不僅打破了地球過去80萬 ...
[請益] 年平均溫度變化圖 & 二氧化碳濃度圖 (6 … - 看板 TY_Research - 批踢踢實業坊 ※ [本文轉錄自 Teacher 看板] 作者: justbreeze (幸福,擦身而過) 看板: Teacher 標題: [請益] 年平均溫度 ...
搶救地球ING- 台灣西部與東部地區二氧化碳濃度的變化與溫度 ... 圖一:一年期間,善化站和宜蘭站二氧化碳濃度的變化圖(月平均). 在西部地區二氧化碳濃度的變化,在春夏 ...
人類歷史上二氧化碳濃度首次突破400ppm關口| 綠色和平-臺灣網站 2013年5月23日 ... 當然嚴格來說,400ppm 可能是短暫的瞬間值。6 月後北半球普遍入夏,廣闊植被 繁茂生長、光合作用加劇,大氣中CO2 濃度曲線或將回落到400ppm ...
List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia During World War I, 2,940 German and Austrian men were interned in ten different camps in Australia. Almost all of the men listed as being Austrians were from the Croatian coastal region of Dalmatia, then under Austrian rule. In 1915 many of the smaller c
BBC - History: World War Two Explore a detailed timeline of World War Two - the causes, events, soldiers and its aftermath. Discover facts about what happened during the most destructive war in history. ... Voices of D-Day - Listen to the voices of eight people who experienced D-Day
BBC News - Auschwitz 70th anniversary: Survivors warn of new crimes Auschwitz survivors have urged the world not to allow a repeat of the crimes of the Holocaust as they mark 70 years since the camp's liberation. "We survivors do not want our past to be our children's future," Roman Kent, born in 1929, told a memorial gat
The effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas becomes ever more marginal with greater concentration | Guest essay by Ed Hoskins According to well understood physical parameters, the effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas diminishes logarithmically with increasing concentration and from the current level of ~390 ppmv, (parts per million by volume). Accor
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup: Fort William, 7-8 June 2014 31 December – Happy New Year from the World Cup Team 31/12/14 It’s the end of 2014 and also the end of Early Bird ticket sales for the 2015 Gravity Showdown at Fort William. Normal advance tickets will go on sale from 2 January. Happy New Year.
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