how to repair a external hard drive that has been dropped ? [Solved ... Hi I have a Hitachi external hdd and it dropped 2 times. after first time it work but after the second time the computer didn't detect it anymore and it makes a noise ...
外接式硬碟盒- 聯強直營維修難度提升? Seagate外 ... 之前在COSTCO 買了2顆特價的Seagate外接式硬碟型號是: 3TB Goflex Desk...
硬碟- 請問有人單獨送修過外接硬碟〝裡面〞的硬碟嗎- 電腦討論區- Mobile01 事情是這樣的:用了一年的seagate backup plus 1T 2.5吋的外接硬碟無預警完全...