伏特加_調酒_雪莉洋酒-洋酒、威士忌、白蘭地、白酒、啤酒、紅酒、麥卡倫、蘇格登、清酒、燒酎、新竹 商品描述:俄羅斯 STOLICHNAYA蘇托力伏特加 適合純喝,也適合調酒。伏特加無色、無嗅、無味、的特性,飲後口中較無酒氣, 也不容易有宿醉頭痛的現象,是常用的基酒。 本店售價: NT:100元 詢價 瑞典水手伏特加700ml 本店售價: NT:300 ...
Vodka Cocktail and Mixed Drink Recipe Collection Vodka is the best spirit to keep around at all times and it is the most popular base spirit for cocktails. With a only a few mixers and liqueurs you can make a variety of cocktails, each with their own distinct taste. This is a collection of vodka cocktai