2013台灣企業永續獎TOP 50企業享榮耀 - CSR 企業社會責任台灣永 ... 2013年12月2日 ... 由財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會主辦之「2013台灣企業永續獎」頒獎典禮,於11 月29日「2013 ... 誠信是企業永續之根本,期許台灣企業落實資訊透明、誠信經營,永 續發展將非遙不可及。」.
行政院國家永續發展全球資訊網-國家永續發展獎 聯合國於1993年初設置「聯合國 永續發展委員會」督導及協助各國推動 永續發展工作。順應此全球趨勢, 行政院 ...
WBCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development Houston EEB Laboratory, 8-10 October 2014 The WBCSD and its partner organization the United States Business Council for Sustainable Development (US BCSD) are hosting a deep-dive workshop to support the development and implementation of ambitious ...
策略的企業社會責任: 企業永續發展的新課題 - 國立中央大學 業之經營與活動,其影響的不僅是企業整. 體,更會影響社會福祉的創造。過去一般. 對於企業社會責任的認知,多在為股東謀. 取最大利益, ..... (CSR Filter)是一種概念 式篩選,意指公. 司就策略上 ..... CSR 的最新發展趨勢與台灣CSR 的發. 展願景」,永 ...
Business and Sustainable Development - IISD Home | IISD For the business community, sustainability is more than mere window-dressing. By adopting sustainable business practices, companies can gain competitive edge, increase their market share, and boost shareholder value. ... Business and Sustainable Developme
World Business Council for Sustainable Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a CEO-led, global association of some 200 international companies dealing exclusively with business and sustainable development.[2] Its origins date back to the 1992 Rio Summit,[1] when Ste
Business Strategy for Sustainable Development Business strategies for sustainable development Based on the book Business Strategy for Sustainable Development: Leadership and Accountability for the 90s, published in 1992 by the International Institute for Sustainable Development in conjunction with ..
Sustainable Growth - Encyclopedia - Business Terms | Inc.com In simple terms and with reference to a business, sustainable growth is the realistically attainable growth that a company could maintain without running into problems. A business that grows too quickly may find it difficult to fund the growth. A business
GRI G3永續性報告指南繁體中文版| 企業永續發展協會 近年來,企業非財務面的績效報告書在國際上有如雨後春筍般的快速興起。早先從 企業環境報告書開始發展,之後有一些公司發行社會績效報告書,爾近的發展則有把 ...
Qisda - Welcome 企業永續發展 佳世達科技股份有限公司董事長李焜耀認為,企業存在的目的是創造價值,以一種可 持續性的價值,為人類社會貢獻心力,發揮正面的影響力。所謂永續經營,追求的 ...