BROSIX - Secure Corporate Instant Messaging for companies A powerful and easy to use Instant Messenger for enterprises and individuals to improve their communications, business productivity and relationships with partners and customers. ... Brosix for your company Easily create and manage a private Instant Messa
The advantages of Instant Messaging for Business from Microsoft Small Business Tips for using instant messaging for business and the benefits of using it to build teams. ... 3. DO: Organize your contact lists to separate business contacts from family and friends. Contact lists, also known as "buddy lists," contain your menu of poten
Brosix Enterprise Instant Messenger for your Company Brosix provides a full set of carefully selected features that will help you organize your business communications, client support, and office interaction. Brosix is much more than a conventional instant messenger – its features are not limited to text me
法務部個人資料保護專區 Ministry of Justice 個資法問與答 【個資法即時通】公司可否在榮譽榜公布得獎或績優員工之姓名? 張貼日期 :2013/06/25 答:公司基於人事管理之特定目的,於其必要範圍內所為獎勵員工行為(例如:張貼榮譽榜揭示得獎或績優員工姓名),符合個資法第20條利用規定。
EVERY8D互動資通: 企業即時通訊與簡訊|企業溝通專家 企業即時通訊與簡訊的溝通專家EVERY8D,首重資安,效能掛保證,系統穩定度最高, 智慧簡訊分流專利有效節費,政府機關|金融機構|大型企業發送簡訊和行動通訊APP ...
中小企業即時通訊解決方案 IP-guard中小企業即時通訊解決方案特別針對企業主最在意的員工上網聊天、洩密等 問題,提供操作簡易但效果絕佳的因應之道,同時具備管控、記錄、通知、稽核等 ...
互動資通第二代企業APP即時通訊《team+》打造「指尖運籌企業」 - 產業 ... 2014年7月25日 ... 互動資通引領「第三波企業溝通革命」,宣布推出第一個專為台灣企業日常工作環境所 開發的第二代企業APP即時通訊產品「team+」,整合即時通訊、 ...
企業即時通訊- MBA智库百科 企業即時通訊(Enterprise Instant Messaging,EIM)企業即時通訊是一種以企業內部 辦公為主,建立員工交流的無障礙障礙實時協作平臺,主要用於政府、單位和企業。
网易即时通-高效、安全、稳定的企业即时通讯工具 网易即时通(NetEase EIM),简称EIM,是网易公司最新推出的企业即时通讯平台, 具有文本通讯、文件传输、文件共享、网络资源分享、群组聊天、消息记录查看等 ...
Five enterprise instant messaging systems - TechRepublic Wally Bahny takes a look at five instant messaging systems that are designed to be used within a private corporate network.