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Youku Tudou - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Youku Tudou is the result of the 2012 merger of Chinese internet sites Youku and Tudou,[1][2] creating China's biggest video site.[3] Prior to the announcement of the merger, Youku was the #11 website in China, and Tudou was #14.[4] The chairman of the bo
Youku.com - Investor Relations - Investor Relations Home BEIJING, June 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of an ongoing effort to offer its hundreds of millions of users unique entertainment, Youku Tudou Inc. (NYSE: ...
Youku - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Youku Inc., formerly Youku.com Inc., doing business as Youku (simplified Chinese: 优酷; traditional Chinese: 優酷; pinyin: yōukù; literally: "excellent (and) cool"), ...
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