JAL - 日航集團日本國內線特惠票價 - JAL JAPAN AIRLINES 特惠票價類別, oneworld Yokoso Visit Japan Fare, Welcome to Japan Fare, Okinawa Island Pass. 訂位艙 ...
JAPAN AIRLINES - oneworld Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare Japan Airlines Group is proud to offer a discount domestic air fare for ... oneworld Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare is available from one sector and valid for two months ...
JAL集團日本國內線特惠票價 - JAPAN AIRLINES / Taiwan 特惠票價類別 oneworld Yokoso Visit Japan Fare Welcome to Japan Fare Okinawa Island Pass 訂位艙等 「H」或「Y」或「G」 「G」 「Y」 適用旅行日期 2014年1月1日起~2015年3月31日止 票價 下列票價以日幣計價 單航段行程 10.000 最少必須購買兩個航段
JAPAN AIRLINES - oneworld Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare Japan Airlines Group is proud to offer a discount domestic air fare for overseas visitors to Japan, the one world Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare. The fare can be used to over 30 cities in Japan served by JAL (except flights operated by FDA and Jetstar Japan) and
JAPAN AIRLINES - oneworld Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare A key difference between the ''Welcome to Japan Fare'' and the new one world Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare, is that travelers using the original ''Welcome to Japan Fare'' can use one world carriers or any other airline serving Japan for their international flig
JAL Planning Your Flight - oneworld Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare A key difference between the ''Welcome to Japan Fare'' and the oneworld Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare, is that travelers using the original ''Welcome to Japan Fare'' can use JAL or any other airline serving Japan for their international flights to and from Japa
JAL Planning Your Flight - oneworld Yokoso/Visit Japan Fare Rules and Conditions 1. Residence must be outside of Japan. (Proof of residence must be shown upon ticketing.) 2. Tickets must be issued in conjunction with international airfare to/via Japan. Welcome to Japan fare - International flights to/from Japan can be any carrier. one
Yokoso Japan Fare - 相關圖片搜尋結果
最新消息-日本航空.日本內陸票 特惠名稱 ONEWORLD YOKOSO VISIT JAPAN FARES WELCOME TO JAPAN FARES OKINAWA ISLAND PASS 訂位艙等 「H」艙 或「Y」艙 「G」艙 「Y」艙 效期 2 個月 2 個月 2 個月 票面價 日幣 FARE BASIS 日幣 FARE BASIS 日幣 FARE BASIS 單航段 ...
Japan Airpass, Visit Japan, Yokoso Japan. Tokyo Travel - A-Kind Limited to one "YOKOSO JAPAN"/"WELCOME TO JAPAN" fare airpass per international ticket. Passenger must present an official ID indicating local address outside of Japan and international ticket to/via Japan. VALIDITY 60 days from departure date of first. .