經典好歌推薦Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion - Yam ... 2009年7月19日 - 果然是好歌人人愛啊.. 這首歌也闡述了愛情的力量 可以讓人發揮出本能. Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion Because you loved me Celine ...
Because You Loved Me-Celine Dion - Yam天空部落 - 蕃薯藤 2012年5月7日 - Because You Loved Me Celine Dion For all those times you stood by me 那些你支持我的時光. For all the truth that you made me see 那些你讓 ...
Because you loved me by Celine Dion - Yam天空部落 - 蕃薯藤 2007年1月5日 - For all those times you stood by me. For all the truth that you made me see. For all the joy you brought to my life. For all the wrong that you ...
The Path Less Taken » ...because sometimes the detours are the best part of the trip... Last night when she was getting ready for dance class, Tegan looked in the mirror and said (as matter-of-factly as if she were commenting on the weather), “I’m pretty.” “You’re very pretty,” I told her, and the words came easily and confidently, not just