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中國、台灣與美國:衝突一觸即發?(I) 出現此訊息."播放這個檔案需要使用 WVC1 轉碼器" 請問..如何解決...感謝.., 2011-04-08 11:13:52 課程討論 字幕有乱码诶怎麽解决呢?! Anonymous, 2011-02-23 23:41:07 课程讨论 不算什么危言耸听吧,听听也无妨。 mac2011, 2011-02-11 17:06:14 ...
看AVI的軟體 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 想在電腦上看AVI檔案要到哪裡找軟體啊? ... 建議最好是安裝編碼/解碼整合性軟體,才不會常常發生有聲無影或有影無聲的情況。K-Lite Codec Pack K-Lite Codec Pack 把許多影音編碼工具、多媒體播放程式打包成一個檔案,包含最新流行的 Xvid/Divx 影片編碼 ...
Microsoft Windows Media - Web Help Windows Media Player cannot play the file (or cannot play either the audio or video portion of the file) because the Unknown (WVC1) codec is not installed on ...
Error: The WVC1 codec is required to play this file not able to ... 2012年3月3日 - OK so basically im trying to download software that allows me to play a movie clip and i keep getting this message The WVC1 codec is.
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Wvc1 Codec Download For Windows Media Player - JSFiddle Wvc1 Codec Download For Windows Media Player. 1. Wvc1 Codec Download For Windows Media Player. 2.
VC-1 Advanced Profile (WVC1) - Windows - Microsoft Missing codec: VC-1 Advanced Profile (WVC1). Windows Media Player can't play the file (or can't play either the audio or video portion of the file) because the ...
Freeware Download: Wvc1 Codec Pack K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs and DirectShow filters. Those components are needed for encoding and decoding various audio and video formats.