word choice - "Could you please" vs "Could you kindly" - English ... 31 Dec 2011 ... If you wanted to sound a little more formal, you could say I ... I prefer using kindly rather than please.
能用please就不用kindly - udn部落格 2009年11月26日 - 文/Lily 我常接到英文email,信末寫著:Please kindly give me a reply (請回覆)。 很多人用Kindly 這個字,以為這樣更客氣,其實是誤會。 kindly並 ...
讓我不知如何是好的”Please kindly” - Yahoo!奇摩 ... 2008年3月28日 - 例如:Please kindly revise the specification requirements. ... Then, in the content, you can provide a reason as to why you are asking him to ...
What is the difference between starting a request Kindly and ... What is the difference between starting a request Kindly and Please e.g. Kindly provide me with. There is no real difference; they are interchangeable. Both are ...
Is this grammatically correct Could you please kindly give ... What is the difference between starting a request Kindly and Please e.g. Kindly provide me with.... or Please could you provide me with....? There is no real ...
email - Is the phrase "please kindly" redundant? - English ... 2010年8月22日 - While the opening Please kindly isn't wrong, per se, it's frequently overused by non-native speakers and Indian English speakers, in my ...
"requested kindly" & "provide with us" - English Language ... 2013年7月3日 - "You are hereby kindly requested to provide with us the missing equipment..." .... We would be grateful if you would please provide with us the ...
Would you kindly provide us with the exact address where thi ... Hi everyone, Is this sentence correctly written (in English)? Would you kindly provide us with the exact address where this correspondence ...
My World 2015 | Vote for the world you want to see Affordable and nutritious food This means that everyone should get the food they need. No person in the world should be constantly hungry, and no person should become malnourished, especially pregnant women and children aged less than two.
WWJD: “What Would Jesus Do?” Do You Really Want To Know? | Mick Mooney Yeah, I hear you. “What Would Jesus Do?” – Most likely, he’d tell us to be ourselves. There is only one Jesus. And there is only one ‘me’, but with the love of God abiding in me, I can be led to live a life of love too, just like Jesus.