How SOPA would affect you: FAQ - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech new How SOPA would affect you: FAQ CNET takes an in-depth look at the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act, backed by Hollywood and opposed by the largest Web companies ... When Rep. Lamar Smith announced the Stop Online Piracy Act in late October, he ...
Do you mind if I + (verb) - English Speaking Lessons on Expressions ... Phrasal English Lessons on Do you mind if I + (verb) for ESL students who ... " Would you mind if we went out to eat?"
The answer to "Would you mind ~?"? - Learn English Online, Teach ... I thoght to the question starting "Do (or Would) you mind ~ing?," if I don't mind, I can reply 'Of course not,' 'Not at all' ... A: Do you mind my opening the window?
The Correct Answer To "Would You Mind If..." - Straight Dope ... Someone arriving after others had sat down would often ask "would you mind if I join you?" They usually were told "no" (as in I don't mind) but ...
mind if I join you? - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Will you permit me to sit with you? (An inquiry seeking permission to sit at someone's table or join someone else in some activity. Also used with can or may in ...
Q: "Do you mind?" A:"Sure/yes" - WordReference Forums To me it sounds like ' Yes, I mind if you join me ' ,means they don't want me to ... where I offered you a seat, but that would be a viable answer.
response to the question "do you mind if I sit here ... We were taught that the right answer to do-you-mind questions is simply no and that many foreign ... No, please join me/us. .... to English - the French, for instance , would turn the questions round: do you mind if I sit here?
Thread: do you mind if I join you tonight / do you mind if I ... of the verbs after mind in this context: Do you mind if I join you tonight? Do you mind if I ... Would you mind if I joined you tonight? Tenim un nom ...
[Grammar] Would you mind if...? How do I answer? - 21 Feb 2010 ... Join Date: Feb 2010; Posts: 2; Post Thanks / Like ... If I were to ask someone " would you mind if................ and it was answered "Yes, certainly" I ...
Language Log » Do you mind if … 23 May 2008 ... If you mind, the appropriate answer is yes (I do mind), and if you don't, the ... But do/would you mind if questions are different: they come with both ..... a feel of not asking permission, i.e. "Do you guys mind if I join the group