[心得] WOT模組(MOD)推薦及安裝教學 - 批踢踢實業坊 你如果覺得MOD只是修改駕駛員及坦克圖像、發砲聲音變萌......之類的非功能性MOD 那你可能不知道MOD有一大堆的功能性MOD存在舉例來說, ...
10 Dinge die sie besonders bei WoT nicht tun sollten [Teil3] - YouTube Behind the Scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7msBVW... Endlich... Teil 3 von den 10 Dingen - WoT Edition! Download für die Teile: http://ul.to/tgnmlifh http://ul.to/z69o2psg http://ul.to/33j7dz2d http://ul.to/9oy2bp4t.
WoT Tips #5 - Become an aggressive heavy - YouTube Seeing my subscriber count increase with more than 200% in a few days made me want to improve the show a little. A small thing like a proper intro would be nice, so I went on and used the weekend, learning to use After Effects nearly from scratch to creat
For the Record Since there is a lot to translate and tomorrow I will most likely be busy, here's another batch for today: - SerB considers the Superpershing case thus: "We decided not to fix this issue 2-3 patches back due to mass whine. That was a mistake." (SS: I hear
Wot I Think: Precursors | Rock, Paper, Shotgun This seems like an appropriate way to start the year. Deep Shadows' FPS/RPG space-adventure Precursors was released to Russian-language markets just over a ... 04/01/2011 at 13:15 backcountry says: i loved boiling point – i saved a load of cash got a chop
31.5.2014 | For the Record - Wot-news.com - Storm states that the crowns of standing trees do provide a camo bonus, just as they did for 4 years now - IS-3 will not appear in historical battles - 9.2 will NOT bring Havok, but it will bring new HD tank models - no plans to make T-50-2 a premium -
Matrim Cauthon - A Wheel of Time Wiki - A wiki dedicated to the world of WOT EWoT: Matrim Cauthon Matrim "Mat" Cauthon is one of the main characters of the series. He is the... ... Later in Fal Dara, Padan Fain stole the Horn of Valere and Mat's dagger, having become tainted by Shadar Logoth's evil himself. [6] Mat needed the dagg
The Wertzone Slightly more confusing is the situation with The Wire. The video below has been reportedly running on HBO for the past several weeks, suggesting that a HD repeat run of the series will begin this Thursday on HBO Signature. TV Guide and a few other listin
MyWot Reviews – MyWot Trustworthiness Exposed (Scam, Phishing, Child Safety) Here is why you should not trust MYWOT the Web Of Trust website. Uninstall their browser plugin and help expose their scam. ... I wish you would investigate the Better Business Bureau, too. They are just as big a scam, hiding behind a facade of profession
Big Storm Q&A | For the Record - Wot-news.com Well they don’t put in LT premiums above T3 and the FV215b 120 is completely fake, both completely wrong for a premium. Even though the Brits don’t have a T8 premium heavy it makes sense not to keep it. The FV4202 however is perfect with its historical st